Thursday, 14 April 2011

Never too many

I recently put photos of 'My Other Babies' on Facebook (yes, my drum kits - sad I know, but that's how I roll) and I got reactions like: '4 drum kits! How can you afford that?' or 'what do you need all those for?'

I felt like saying, 'Naff off, it's my money, I'll buy what I like!' but the reality is I am married with 2 kids, and my hard earned cash gets eaten up by them first and foremost.  So how does one afford 4 kits?  Time. Yes, time.  Have you seen Gran Torino? Same deal.  He gives the same explanation about his garage full of tools.  I didn't simply go out and spend wads of cash and drive myself into debt, I acquired slowly over 20 years.  I scoured ebay for bargains and read hundreds of gear reviews to pin point the stuff that would give me the most for my money, so much so I have it down to a fine art.  Except I don't recommend drunken ebaying (damn that ebay app!).

So, what do I need them all for?  Need, no.  Want, yes.  If someone's played the guitar for 20 years no-one bats an eyelid if they have 4 guitars.  As with the said guitarists guitars, each of my kits are different. They look, sound and feel different.  They make me play in different ways.  That's why I want them, and after 20 years, I deserve to enjoy them as I do.

OK, OK, now I feel all smug and justified I'll let you in on something...I have 9 snare drums.  9!  That's right!  Why?  Flipped if I know. Drunken ebaying perhaps? Ummm...yes. D'oh!

So what's the moral?  Well, there are two. Firstly, take time to enjoy the things you have earned in life and use that time to try to re-inspire yourself.  Seondly, don't drink and think as the decision will always be bad.

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